Cool pink tones
Cool pink tones

cool pink tones

True pink blush is much more difficult to wear when you have warm yellow or olive undertones, but it’s not impossible. Those with warm undertones will have a yellow, golden, or olive tint to their skin, with veins that appear a little greener. When working with any shades in the red or pink family, you can really experiment with color combinations because ultimately your own undertone will still tie things together and keep the look harmonious.

cool pink tones

It will look like a soft flush against your skin and will work with a variety of lip and eyeshadow colors.Ĭool pink blush is, of course, the obvious choice, but neutral and warm pink blushes also look lovely since they still have the reddish tones that are naturally present in cool skin. When you have cool or neutral skin, pink blush is a natural match. Those with cool skin tend to have a faint pink or reddish tint to their skin, which makes veins show through a little more purple, while those with neutral, beige skin will have clear, creamy skin with veins that appear blue.

Cool pink tones